Thursday, February 22, 2018

New option; hide shorteners

There is already a large pile of shorteners. Every day there is more and more and the number of them begins to be considerable.

Although there is already a tab to place your favorites shorteners in UMS, now there is a new option to solve this; hide shorteners from the extension.

Now you can hide the shorteners that give you the most rage. All you have to do is open the extension, find the shortening and display its contextual menu. Below the menu you will find an option called "Hide shortener".

Once used the shortener in question will disappear from the tabs. If you have saved credentials are deleted, they are also removed from favorites if you had them there.

If you want to see shorteners that have been hidden again, you can do it from the button that you will find in the configuration of the extension.

Note: Pending approval of the latest version, this option may not yet be available in all versions of the extension.